The TKC Racing Code
I will:
Race for enjoyment
Race fairly and display sportsmanship
Respect my fellow competitors on and off the race track
Be polite at all times
Respect the decision of the officials
Not break the club rules
Not use foul/offensive language or raise my voice in an aggressive manner with anyone
Understand that kart racing is a non-contact sport
Understand that TKC is run by volunteers
Understand this is club level racing
Uphold the TKC Racing Code at all times
Promoting the values and ethos of Tullyallen Kart Club (TKC) to ensure a fun, fair and friendly racing club for all our members. By signing up to TKC as a member or by attending a TKC race you agree to the following:
Parents & Guardians
I will:
Encourage my young driver to have fun and enjoy racing
Recognise that the benefits in junior racing lie in gaining racing skills and not winning events/championships
Not impose my own ambitions on my young driver
Encourage my young driver to display sportsmanship on and off the race track
Encourage my young driver to apologise to any driver that they may have an on track incident with
Show self-control at all times and treat everyone in the paddock with respect
Not use foul/offensive language or raise my voice in an aggressive manner with anyone
I will not make negative remarks about any young driver while spectating a race
Respect the decisions of the officials at all times
Understand that TKC is run by volunteers
Understand that this is club level racing
Uphold the TKC Racing Code at all times
I will:
Create a welcoming, friendly and safe environment for everyone
Treat every competitor fairly and encourage others to do so
Be polite and treat everyone with respect
Show self-control at all times
Not use foul/offensive language or raise my voice in an aggressive manner with anyone
Be unbiased in any decisions that need to be taken
Encourage sportsmanship
Uphold and promote the TKC Racing Code at all times